Miles 267 to 334, 67 miles, 4,750 feet of climb (3,000 in 8.2 miles), max speed: 40 mph

Our staff stated that these two back to back days are the hardest of the trip. The change in temperature was as good as it could be expected. We left the hotel at 42 degrees slight breeze and got colder as we climbed up to Lake Tahoe along CA89. There was a beautiful bike path along the Truckee River. When we hit 6,000 foot in elevation our breath seemed to freeze to our faces and glasses. There is still snow at Squaw Valley. Things changed fast. It was in the 60s along the north shore of Lake Tahoe, and once over the pass the temperatures sky rocketed. In the 90s going down (4,500 foot drop in 15.6 miles) and hit 109 for the last 10 miles of the ride. We were never so glad for an air conditioned hotel lobby in our lives.

We have really jelled into groups of riding buddies. Today us slower folks helped each other by sticking to a plan on the 8.2 mile ascent of Mount Rose Summit by only riding 100 feet of elevation change and then stop as a group. Nobody ‘red lined’ with that strategy and we all made it. Screaming down the other eastern side of Mount Rose we also made sure we pulled off to check breaks and rest our wrists from braking. Some seriously awesome views and the pictures do not show the justice of the scenery.
This was a big day for another reason. We completed our stretch in California and now are headed out across Nevada. The difference in scenery has already been stark. Our riding outfits for the next six days will be as little as possible but still socially acceptable.
Bottom Line: The Spectacular Scenery Meter was pegged out today.
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