Miles 1061 to 1151, 90 miles, 3600 feet of climb, max speed: 44 mph, avg speed 16+ mph

Now we are in Colorado, the reality is setting in that we are in for several tough days. As we descended into Fruita (the I sounds like an E) we were greeted by our first vista the Colorado River. Both the Green and the Colorado Rivers have tremendous currents. I would be very hesitant to put out in a boat in either of these rivers. I was surprised how I-70 is built right on the bank of the river, about a four foot drop to get into the water. I am so use to rivers that flood in Alabama. I think the rivers out here don’t flood, they flush – just get faster and swirl a lot.
Our first view of the Colorado River, Fruita, CO
There seems to be a building correlation between how well we are fed at night and how demanding the next day is, and we were stuffed tonight. All forecasts are predicting 20-25 mph head winds tomorrow as we climb all day. Longer range forecasts all agree we will ride over Monarch Pass in a snow storm. Several of the faithful have contacted Father Eddie, our rider-priest, to petition the Almighty for something more tolerable.
Bottom Line: I can’t believe it! Colorado already! Wow.
Remember, the Atlantic Ocean is just over the next hill......